Friday, July 26, 2013

Life's a beach

So here is that overdue post i told myself i would write down and never forget.

We took the kids to the beach this summer during our California vacation.  Truth be told, as a kid we always opted for the beach when given the option to tour Disneyland or Sea World.  We loved those places of course, but my family loved playing in the sand and coming dangerously close to dying in the waves of the ocean.  I remember walking into the ocean so far that when i looked back at the beach I was about 75 yards out from our beach blankets and 40 yards to the right.  While walking out I never paid too much attention that the waves were not only pulling me further out from the beach but sending me up the beach as well.  Those waves are crazy.  I loved it.

Its so quiet being out that far.  People look tiny and your world looks miles away.  Then the fear of what else is out here with me? that always had me scurrying back.  But I lived for that feeling.  I want my kids to have the same daring memories that I have.

So it was to my delight that when we arrived at the beach this time, Isabella did not cry and say that the sand was disgusting and demand to be picked up and carried the whole time (an example of our first trip to the beach).  This time, Isabella AND Julianna cried out how disgusting and "eewww" the sand felt in between their toes.  But it was cries of laughter.  Julianna spent the first couple of steps examining each grain going through her toes.  This was her first experience walking in the sand. 

My two city girls were loving it!  They were running and screaming like they do and I was a happy mama.  Smiling girls.  Now to get them to the water.

After we threw our blankets down and situated baby boy with Nana Sarah, we headed straight to water.  Juju was a bit skeptical at first.  I think anyone would be looking out into endless water.  It was cold and Julie shied away.  But when she saw her big sister laughing and running in the foamy water she couldn't resist any longer.  She shot into the water so fast I had to run to catch up to her.  With my camera in hand, I was desperately lunging to grab her hand so she wouldn't fall from the force of the waves.  All while holding my camera above my head trying to keep it dry.

The girls were happy and playing with their cousin Josiah.  Running and screaming from the waves.  I decided to go grab Robert and put his teeny toes in the water.  

Teeny toes in the water is cute. He kept squishing the sand between his toes.  His eyes were big at this new sensory touch.  Graining sand is pretty amazing to a baby boy.

This was his first time sitting up on his own.  I guess he rose to the occasion.  He was more than willing to put in the extra work it takes to hold himself up if it meant he could play with this awesome sand stuff. 

No beach trip is complete without burring someone in the sand.  Josiah was the lucky candidate.  He's such a good sport. 

There was one last thing to do and that was to put our mark on that stretch of beach.  We wrote our names in the sand: Nana, Tata, Nina Tori, Bobby, Nettie, Josiah, Isabella, Julianna and little Robert.  It was a successful day!

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