In my world, weekends are for catching up. Catching up on family. Catching up on yard work, laundry, and house work. Well, sometimes. Sometimes, weekends are for socializing. Who am I kidding? MOSTLY, weekends are for socializing. My family and Bobby's family, is so ridiculously huge that there is always some party (sometimes TWO parties) going on for both Saturday and Sunday. But when the four us can sneak a few hours together. They are always special. Even if it is just the mundane activities.
Some of my favorite times spent on the weekends is being home! Discovering new adventures outside (and inside!....we do have a two year old) while cleaning up the yard. On this particular day we found a little bird egg that fell from its nest. It was covered with ants. This was a perfect opportunity to teach Isabella the circle of life. All day she would say, egg fall! egg fall! Bird fall!
On this day, we also got to witness another one of Isabella's outfit choices. Already, at only two years old, she wants to pick out her own clothes and shoes. This is the outfit she came up with: Olivia shirt, a skirt (of course) that does not match the said Olivia shirt but apparently looks good to Bells and plaid blue shoes. Love it! Its genius in only a way a two year can dream up. She sits here watching Bobby cut the tree. Eager to get up and help her daddy, I let her.
And while we were outside, exploring our tiny part of the world, our little one slept and dreamt!