The Thanksgiving Holiday is always spent at my great Aunt Tuttie's house. Her home holds so many good memories of my childhood! (I'll save those in another post!) Some of the highlights: Her beautiful china, rice salad and her mashed potatoes! My sisters and I always go after the bowl of black olives left on the table. We can't resist putting them on our fingers and eating them off. Funny, because now our girls do the same thing! So much to be thankful for on this special day reserved to give thanks to God and reflect on all the many Blessings this life has brought me. But it is my Nina Tuttie that I am most thankful to have in my life. Our visits with each other are not as often as either of us would like, but I think about her daily. My faith, character and tolerance for others was shaped by this woman. Thank you!
A couple of other things I am giving thanks for:
My sweet little Juliann who came into my life this year. She is the most precious and well behaved baby I have ever experienced! She is so patient and happy. Thank you for putting a smile on my face each and every day!
My siblings (two are missing) who always give me the biggest and funniest memories every time we come together. Which is often (also thankful for that!).
My parents for being loving grandparents to my girls and for helping me build the life that surrounds myself with family.
My sisters, thank you for your honesty when I need it the most and the friendship that I hope everyone in this world can experience. I don't know what my life would look like without the two of you in it and I don't want to know!
To my husband and two baby girls, you have given me a life that I never thought I was worthy enough to have. You have given me days filled with love. Thank you for always loving me and giving me chances to be a better mother and wife. You three are my hope and future.
The fall to me is about getting under blankets and cuddling with family and enjoying the warm smells that fill the air. The warm apple cider (with rum, thanks sis!), the hot apple pie and sizzling turkey. I wish fall was longer than just three months but I cherish these days.